Authored by Elizabeth Kapamas
Targeting a niche can lead to many opportunities for law firms, including growing their businesses, improving their reputations, and expanding their services. Check out the following four ideas from Attorney at Work to help you overcome marketing obstacles so you can reap the benefits of focusing on a niche market.
1. Building a Contact List
You’ve carefully examined all of the potential opportunities and are determined to invest the commitment, but now you need the experience to start your journey.
The simplest way to start is by researching your contact list and adding to it. Consider the following:
1. Are you familiar with other industry professionals? Social media and organizations are great ways to connect.
2. Could you work with or learn from clients in your firm?
3. Are there any people you can turn to for insight or recommendations - such as consultants, bankers, or accountants?
2. Be Involved
Engage with other experts and professionals in appropriate organizations and groups as a means of building and establishing your expertise. By serving on committees, you’ll find yourself making connections.
3. Be Easy to Find
The best way to be visible online and stand out in your niche is to develop your online presence. Be sure to have business social media accounts established for your firm outside of your website and have planned posts in advance to keep your audience engaged.
Ideas for content posts include:
- Blogs
- Industry Research Reports
- Sharing activities from the organizations and groups you have joined
- Sharing educational content
4. Collaborate
Consider collaborative approaches as a strategy to help you increase your success rate by accessing additional services for your client's needs.
Develop a list of outside advisors and colleagues that you can contact as a means of advancing your business.
Check out the full article from Attorney at Work here.